Tag Archives: First Night 2013

First Night is ramping up – get involved now!

21 Nov
First Night, Tacoma’s ubiquitous New Year’s Eve arts event is ramping up! Here are two great ways to get involved – sign up to volunteer, or apply to be an artist vendor in an indoor exhibition space at Broadway Plaza in the heart of downtown. On December 31, thousands of people from all around the area fill the streets of the theater district for a rousing evening of arts, music, and entertainment. Venues virtually overflow as we start out the new year as a community.

Photo: Vicky Winters

Volunteers make a huge part of the success of this annual event, and First Night would loooove to have your help for the big night December 31! In appreciation, volunteers and their families will receive free access to all events on December 31, and they will be guests of honor at a volunteer-only party in February. This year, staff will be organized by The Warehouse, a local production company with several years of experience creating cool events throughout Tacoma. Interested in helping out? Please fill out the form here and organizers will keep you in the loop of trainings and upcoming volunteer events.

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First Night is an awesome showcase for artists and crafters during the holidays! In order to provide indoor vending space to artists, Angela Jossy (she of Art Bus fame) has secured a plum exhibition space at 1127 Broadway St. (former home of the Seven Muses Gallery) for the First Night Festival. It’s an excellent location with a big glass storefront for great visibility from the street.

Tacoma will be ablaze on First Night! Photo: Vicky Winters

Vendors must supply their own tables and chairs. Wall display space will be available upon request. The space is well lit, and there are power outlets in the building for vendors wishing to bring their own lighting. The room can accommodate about 15 vendors, says Jossy (but she is looking into securing other indoor spaces for vendors, too). No tents will be allowed inside the space. For those who want to set up outside, Jossy is working on securing a power supply – stay tuned.   Continue reading